PMI New Jersey Chapter
PMINJ 2005 November Meeting

15 November 2005 - Basking Ridge - Old Mill Inn


PDP Information

Program Number: C020-15112005
Risky Business: The Multiplying Dangers of Doing Business Overseas
Category Type: 3 
Subject Areas 
Knowledge: 08 
Process: 06
Application/Specific Interest Groups: 30 
Activity Sponsor: PMINJ Chapter (C020)
PDUs: - 1.5
Leadership - 0.0
Strategic - 1.5
Technical - 0.0


Globalization means doing business overseas and is a must for many businesses to ensure their survival. But how do you survive and navigate through the growing dangers and complexities of venturing beyond the United States? The most important step to take is to find out what risks you face in each region and how to mitigate against those risks. In some regions of the world, you and your employees will be in considerable physical danger. In others, corruption permeating both business and government will seriously endanger the financial viability of your enterprise. 

This presentation outlined the most severe risks currently facing American business overseas and discuss how bottom-line savvy can mitigate these risks. Topics covered included: 
  • Kidnap and Extortion 
  • Supply Chain Security 
  • Terrorism 
  • Corruption 
  • Political and Social Instability 
  • Fraud 
  • Intellectual Property Theft 


Elaine Carey


Ms. Carey has more than 25 years of experience as an investigator in private practice and as a journalist. She is a Certified Fraud Examiner and has assisted corporations and law firms worldwide in identifying and resolving problems as well as developing strategies for managing risks across a broad spectrum of issues. Additionally, she has expertise in both fraud and fraud risk assessment. Prior to joining CRG, Ms. Carey was a Director with Pricewaterhouse Coopers Investigations. She managed a broad range of complex matters including anti-corruption investigations in Latin America, Asia and the Middle East. Ms. Carey received a Bachelor of Arts degree in English literature from Grinnell College in Grinnell, Iowa and was a mid-career fellow at the Harvard University Russian Research Center in 1987-1988.

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