PMI New Jersey Chapter
PMINJ 2009 November Meeting

17 November 2009 - Basking Ridge - Dolce


PDP Information

Program Number: C020-17112009
Managing Virtual Teams
Category Type: 3 
Subject Areas 
Knowledge: 10 
Process: 06
Application/Specific Interest Groups: 30
Activity Sponsor: PMINJ Chapter (C020)
PDUs: - 1.5
Leadership - 1.5
Strategic - 0.0
Technical - 0.0


In this exciting, fast paced session you will obtain tips how to manage team members that you cannot see and possibly reside on another continent.  The presenter will give you a brief historical perspective on the virtual world and then cover how the “best virtual teams” work in such companies as Sun Microsystems, L-3 Communications, and Johnson & Johnson.

The presenter will tackle difficult issues such as culture and developing trust in a virtual environment.  Participants will be asked to contribute features of virtual teams that worked best for them.



Thomas J. Mattus, MBA, President, Successful Strategies International, Inc.
Tom Mattus is the President and Co-Founder of Successful Strategies International, Inc. (SSI).  Mr. Mattus has over 25 years of professional experience in training, business management and development. 

As a corporate officer of SSI and previously at PCI Global Inc., Tom has worked with such Fortune 1000 companies as Johnson & Johnson Worldwide, Wyeth International, CitiCard, Marriott International, Sony, Standard Chartered Bank, Olympus, Cablevision, and Pearson to help resolve their project management and leadership needs, thus improving quality and performance.  Tom received his BS from Widener University in Chester, PA and his MBA from Lehigh University in Bethlehem, PA.  Tom has also been featured in PMI Magazine and most recently was published an article in Projects@Work and Project Magazine.

Other Meetings:

Career Networking

Topic: Employment Opportunities in Government and  the FAA

              speakerDorothy Buckanin, Special Assistant to the Director of the William J. Hughes Technical Center will discuss employment opportunities at the FAA, and specifically at the William J. Hughes Technical Center, located near Atlantic City, New Jersey.  Ms. Buckanin is a private pilot, a Fellow in the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics [AIAA], and a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers [IEEE], having served as Chair several times at IEEE, as well as numerous times as Chair of the AIAA.

Dorothy's handout can be downloaded.


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