PMI New Jersey Chapter
PMINJ 2010 June Meeting

15 June 2010 - Parsippany - Hilton


PDP Information

Program Number: C020-15062010
Student Papers of the Year
Category: A
Activity Sponsor: PMINJ Chapter (C020)
PDUs: - 1.5
Knowledge: 10 
Process: 06
Application/Specific Interest Groups: 30 
Leadership - 0.0
Strategic - 0.0
Technical - 1.5

Individual Student Paper of the Year – Steven’s Institute of Technology

 Team Student Paper of the Year – Rutgers University

What makes a project successful?  How do real life teams take advantage of project management processes and techniques to accomplish their goals?  How do projects adjust to the environment in which they operate, deal with unanticipated problems, and take advantage of unexpected opportunities? 

Project presentations by Yasser Suarez, the PMINJ Individual Student Paper of the Year Award winner from Steven’s Institute of Technology and the winning team of the 2010 PMINJ Team Student Paper Award  from Rutgers University; Lisa Duarte, Krzysztof Koldowski, Rahul Patel, Christopher Snyder, and Kevin Webster will provide an interesting insight into real life projects. 

The winner of the 2010 PMINJ Individual Student Paper, “Granulation Root Cause Analysis Project” was described as impressive, with the paper demonstrating an excellent, overall knowledge of project management.   The winner of the 2010 PMINJ Team Student Paper Award, "Western US Logistics Center:  Project Strike Gold” was ranked unanimously as the clear winner out of all the team papers, and the paper presented a refreshing view that “it takes more than project schedules to be successful and the social aspect of a program/project cannot be overlooked”.

Other Meetings:

Career Networking LCI

Topic: Networking Well Is an Art  

Participate in a facilitated session of networking.  We continue with our fast-paced program to teach networking, expose you to career/business Opportunities and then allow you to Practice what you have learned.  Whether you are looking to land your next job, advance your current career or simply meet new people, mastering the art of networking is very important.  Come and practice your networking skills!


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