PMI New Jersey Chapter
PMINJ 2011 March Meeting

15 March 2011 - Edison - Pines Manor


PDP Information

Program Number: C020-15032011
The Future of Project Management
Category: A
Activity Sponsor: PMINJ Chapter (C020)
PDUs: - 1.5
Leadership - 1.5
Strategic - 0.0
Technical - 0.0


This presentation focuses on the challenges of today’s project managers, the issues facing the profession in the near future, and the specific skills a project manager must attain to remain successful in the profession.  Frank will address the need for business skills, interpersonal skills, and continued development of new skills and advanced project management knowledge.  He will review the gaps between project and executive management as well as provide suggestions for closing those gaps.  In addition, he will explain the importance of balancing a person’s professional and personal life and will conclude with a discussion about the importance of strong leadership skills and the connection between leadership and the project manager.  It will be a highly interactive and informative session.



Jim Snyder, PMP 

Frank P. Saladis, PMP, is a consultant, trainer and motivational speaker with over 35 years of experience in Project Management and Project Management training.  He holds a Masters Certificate in Commercial Project Management from George Washington University and is the past chair of the PMI Education and Training Specific Interest Group and a past president of the PMI NYC Chapter.  He is a senior consultant and trainer for the International Institute for Learning, Inc. and has been involved in the development of several project management learning programs. 

Frank has been a featured presenter at Project Management Institute’s Annual Symposiums, Project World, PMI World Congress, and many PMI Chapter professional development programs (including ours).  He has written numerous leadership and project management related articles and is the co-author with Dr. Harold Kerzner for a three book series, Value Driven Project Management, What Executives Need To Know About Project Management and What Functional Managers Need To Know About Project Management, published by The International Institute for Learning and John Wiley & Sons.  Frank was recognized as “PMI Person of the Year” in 2006.

Other Meetings:

Career Networking LCI

Topic: Don't Just Think Outside the Box – Think Out of This World!

cnl spkrWhen you are searching for a job, the goal is not just to BE better than your competition.  Instead, your goal should be to THINK differently than your competition.  Job boards and headhunters are not the only viable options anymore.  The job market does not have to be hidden once you learn to search using "out of this world" techniques. 

Join Absolutely Abby to learn how to see the light when there does not appear to be any and how to turn misfortune into opportunity.  Differentiate yourself now and win the race to the finish line.


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