PMI New Jersey Chapter
PMINJ 2020 May Networking LCI

Navigating Career Change

18 May 2020 - Virtual
6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Career Networking LCI Meeting



Navigating career change is hard!  Learn the core elements of focus that will accelerate your job search or transition to the next phase of your career journey.  Ken Warman is an accomplished leadership coach that has proven results in guiding clients through change and transformation.  Join us for an interactive session to find the path to greater opportunity and fulfillment.

Register Now

Normal registration: Thru 16 May
  • $0.00 - PMINJ Chapter members only (fee waived for this meeting)
  • The link to the virtual meeting will be included in the Registration Receipt
  • Download the Zoom app at:

Speaker - Ken Warman


Ken is the founder of The Leader’s Evolution, a leadership consulting firm with the mission to “Build and develop successful people, great leaders, and high-performing teams.”  Ken is a strategic leader and trusted advisor with a history of success achieved through a combination of diverse business experiences and talent development skills.

Ken has led teams as a Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operating Officer and Head of Consulting Practice for a Fortune 50 company - Prudential Financial.  Through a strong business foundation and dynamic approach, he creates engagement, personal growth, and successful business outcomes with his clients.

A talented leadership and International Coaching Federation trained coach, he builds deep relationships of trust with his clients and elevates them through heightened self-awareness and authentic dialogue, resulting in improvement of individual and organizational performance.

Ken uses a co-active coaching approach to foster a growth mindset with his clients.  He offers behavioral, emotional intelligence, 360 feedback and other assessment tools to raise client awareness and guide behavioral development and change.  Ken delivers the “Find Your Purpose” workshop which creates high impact and a path to action for leaders seeking change and fulfillment in their careers.

Ken is dedicated to developing and serving others.  He is a workshop facilitator at Seton Hall University in the Leadership Development Program and serves as a financial liaison for the Board of the Drumthwacket Foundation in Princeton, NJ.  Ken graduated from Lehigh University and is actively involved as an alumnus and speaker.  He resides with his wife and three teenage sons in Chester, NJ, where he is a frequent volunteer and coach.

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