PMI New Jersey Chapter
PMINJ 2021 July Networking LCI


How to Cope with Job Search Stress

15 Jul 2021 - Virtual
7:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Career Networking LCI Meeting


Does this sound familiar?  During your career, you have had some really rewarding jobs that allowed you in to make a difference in the world. Yet in each case, the stress and strain of the job got the best of you. You ended up regularly depleted, searching for something or someone to blame for your job and career change. You always thought the issue was something or someone else. However, the people and places did not follow you from job to job or career to career. Instead, the common denominator was you. You couldn’t figure out why you were overworked and stressed about work. You would change jobs or careers, for something that seemed less stressful or hopeful yet wound up in the same situation.

Join Timothy Nicinski as he discusses his career journey and shares a few of the mindfulness exercises and spiritual practices that he benefited from in his  journey of self discovery and peace in the workplace.

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Normal registration
  • $0.00 - PMINJ Chapter members only (fee waived for this meeting)
  • The link to the virtual meeting will be included in the Registration Receipt
  • Download the Zoom app at:

PDU Information
Program Number: C020-2020715
Title: How to Cope with Job Search Stress
Activity Sponsor: PMINJ Chapter (C020)
PDUs: - 1.0
Leadership -
Strategic - 1.0
Technical - 0.0


Timothy Nicinski


Timothy Nicinski, BA, MA, COS, D.Min.
Dr. Timothy Nicinski is a pastor in the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference. He is presently appointed to the Sussex United Methodist Church after serving 13 years at Waterloo UMC. Tim is a bi-vocational pastor, additionally serving as chaplain at Centenary University and has spent his entire career in this manner. In 2017, he retired from the public sector having served a majority of that time in education and law enforcement. These positions have represented the entire continuum of responsibilities and roles, giving Tim a unique perspective on employer and employee dynamics.

While Tim has over 20 years of experience leading workshops and retreats in spirituality and mindfulness, his dissertation work drew his attention to the strain and exhaustion created by the “always on economy.” Since then, all his presentations have been developed to offer non-denominational spiritual practices and mindfulness exercises that provide relief to people experiencing the physical, emotional, and social struggles associated with employment.

There is no doubt that most people who slide across the seat of a booth in a coffee shop or diner are not expecting sage employment advice and wisdom from a guy dressed in black and a liturgical collar. When most people see me, they imagine a person who has quite the work schedule, I mean most clergy are depicted as working one day a week for an hour. I am not here to cry the blues about overworked clergy and the stresses of church leadership. No, instead I sit across from you as someone who has washed out of more than my fair share of jobs and careers.

In the past, I would quickly point out the people to blame for my failures. To be honest, time and contemplation have taught me, I am much more a spiritual wash out of those work experiences than the victim of poor management and sub-par working conditions. I have come to understand that my spiritual center was the problem when it came to career choice and maintaining a sense of well-being across decades and occupations.

I realized that I need to examine my center, who I was, what I was about, and my life as it relates to work more than the supplemental factors to employment to fully understand myself.

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