Join the PMINJ Life Sciences group for an
engaging evening focused on YOUR development.
According to PMI, a Project Manager should spend 90% of
their time communicating. When it comes to communication, we
all suffer from what psychologists call illusory superiority
i.e. we all think we are better at it than we actually
are. In a survey of more than 1,400 corporate
executives, employees and educators, 86% blamed workplace
failures on ineffective communication or
collaboration. Additionally, more than 70%
thought that lack of candor affected their company's ability
to perform at its best. This research was done before
Covid and implementation of virtual / hybrid working models
that further affect communication.
Understanding (our teams, ourselves, and our colleagues) and
establishing trust are at the heart of effective
communication and collaboration. Join us, as Dr. Bobbi
Jo Curtis and Kim Azzinaro provide pragmatic tools and tips
for communicating and collaborating specifically for the
Life Sciences.
Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this session, participants should
- Teaming Model commonly used in Lifesciences
- The role of Project Managers in the Teaming model
- Different communication styles (based on INSIGHTS
- How to create mutual understanding, trust and build