PMINJ conducts Monthly Programs on the third Tuesday of every month except - July, August, and December. Individuals or companies are invited to sponsor a program(s).
Sponsorship includes
- Logo and a short description of products &/ services are included in the emails promoting the monthly meetings (there are 3 emails that are sent to our members and potential members).
- One or 2 slides (provided by sponsor) with the company
name, logo and message will be displayed during the introduction of the meeting. The sponsor can speak to the slides during the introduction.
- A table near the registration area for display
materials and promotional items - when physical.
- 2 seats at the dinner portion of the meeting - when physical.
- Opportunity to hold prize drawings if the sponsor
The following materials are needed via e-mail the 20th of the month prior to the month being sponsored:
- Microsoft PowerPoint slide in 16:9 format.
- Small logo in gif, jpg, or png format to fit in email and webpage.
- Abstract of products and / or services.
How to start
- Go online to pay for the desired number of months.
- Send the materials to:
When to send
Sponsorships can be requested any time. However, the deadline for submitting is the 20th of the month prior to the program month of interest. Advertising for the Monthly program officially starts on the 1st of the month.