The Education Vice Chair is responsible for establishing and maintaining
programs to enhance project management knowledge and skills for members and
prospective members, meet annual Catalog of Core Services requirements and support
delivery of other approved programs and develop programs in alignment with the
Chapter mission and goals.
All matters relating to professional education, business requirements, vendor
relations, facilities and registration activities fall within this VC role. The Education
Vice Chair is also responsible for the mentoring program that links serious and
accomplished Project Managers with those who would like a mentoring relationship so
they can become a more accomplished PM.
The Education VC oversees the following VP organizations:
- VP Professional Development
The VP is responsible for all matters relating to the development of professional
abilities and certifications of the membership.
The VP is responsible for the professional standing of credential holders, and the
education of potential credential holders.
This VP is also responsible for the mentoring program that links serious and
accomplished Project Managers with those who would like a mentoring relationship so
can become a more accomplished PM.