PMI New Jersey Chapter

Program Speaker FAQs

Speaker Consideration, Selection, and Compensation 1-4
The Audience - 5-9
Meeting Format and Facilities - 10-23

A: At a minimum, we need you to provide your biography and an abstract (that can be understood and that will generate member interest) at least 6 weeks before the meeting. A draft presentation and estimated travel expenses are also requested at the same time. If possible, also provide links to prior presentations (audio or video). Send material to

A: PMINJ is a non-profit organization and does not provide honorariums. We do reimburse reasonable travel and a one night hotel stay.

A: Speakers may have a book sale table at the meeting if discussed with the PMINJ Programs Speaker Team in advance and approved. You will need to provide your own resource to administer book sales and take care of collecting payments. You are also responsible for shipping books to and from the facility. You may also offer books as giveaways for a Chapter drawing on the night of the meeting.

A: We are one of the largest chapter in the World. See the Chapter Information page for the current member count.

A: PMINJ monthly meetings usually include approximately 150-200 Project managers at the Main Meeting Location and an additional 150 attendees at the satellite locations. Current virtual meetings have exceeded 500 attendees.

A: 10 to 20 years' project management experience is the average for PMINJ members. 11% of PMINJ members have more than 10 years' experience, 60% have 10 to 20 years' experience. The current breakdown of member certifications is posted on the website.

A: About 75 to 85% are working. In our area many are employed by multi-nationals or Fortune 500 companies including the likes of Merck, Verizon, ATT, Bayer, Pfizer, Lucent, MetLife, Morgan-Stanley, Sanofi-Aventis and others.

A: There is about a even 50% split.

A: The meetings are held at various hotels and conference facilities in NJ. They are also broadcast to up to 17 satellite locations (audio and slides, not video). Virtually we use Zoom webinars.

A: The schedule is published on the Program webpage

A: Speakers should plan to present for roughly 90 minutes followed by a short Q&A.

A: Monthly meetings occur on the third Tuesday in the months of September through November and January through June.

A: Speakers are permitted to bring a guest. They will also be provided with a buffet dinner along with the speaker. With pre-arrangement, more than one guest may be allowed.

A: In addition to the answer for the first question above, you will also need to supply your final presentation no later than 6 weeks before the meeting. Please see the question below about handouts for attendees.

A: PMINJ will provide the meeting facility, including audiovisual items such as microphone, laptop, projector and screen. Your presentation will already be loaded onto the laptop. No other presentation material can be accommodated. Updates will not be accepted at the event.

A: No. We do not provide hard copy handouts. The presentation is made available in PDF format for download on our website.
You will supply slides in MS PowerPoint 16:9 format. We convert them to a .pdf (Adobe Acrobat portable format) for upload on the PMINJ web site where the presentation can be downloaded by attendees. If your material is pre-publication and/or proprietary in nature, you may include appropriate warnings and labels on slides, which will be included on the downloadable versions. If you do not want the material circulated with copyright or other labeling, please do not include it on the slides, but rather refer to it during the discussion. Other arrangements may be available if discussed and approved in advance of the meeting, at the time the presentation is sent to the Chapter (see Q1).

A: No. We will provide someone who will monitor the questions from the remote sites. Your presentation will be synced with the live site, so the remote attendees will see what the live group sees. Audio will be piped to the remote group as well. As mentioned earlier, we will provide a resource to monitor the remote sites.

A: The presenter will be supplied with a wireless microphone and a speaker's podium for notes.

A: The slides will be shown on a laptop.

A: You will have a wireless mouse to sequence the slides. You can go forward and back by pressing buttons.

A: You will not need to speak the slide number; the remote sites will be projecting the same video as is being projected at the live (main) site. It is helpful to announce the slide number if you go back.

A: You may record the presentation for your own non-commercial use. The only restriction is that we ask that the camera stay on the speaker and not pan the audience.

PMI New Jersey Chapter
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